The road to Waskaganish
Posted by S. , Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:46 PM
So, the James Bay Highway? Not so thrilling. Actually, it's pretty much a stretch of stumpy looking tamarack trees, logging trucks, clear cuts, old forest fires, and tree planting operations. Not much in the way of scenery or other traffic.
We did stop at a Lake whose name I forgot, somewhere past Km200 (Rodayer Lake!). Gorgeous lake, sketchiest portapotty I have ever used. Last picture taken with my camera which is no more. Im working out a way to get someone back home to get me one and ship it to me and I will send a cheque. Til then, crappy cell images.
There was this "emerald lake" near Matagami that the tourist books hyped. Was surrounded by rat-infested, beaten up vandalized hotels. Sketchy.
There are random tipi crossing signs in amongst all the lichens, caribou and moose crossing signs and stumpy little dwarf trees.
Flight to Val D'Or was uneventful. You do get the impression you are going to land in a lake or forest where the airport is located, though.
The road into Waskaganish is 102 km and gravel. Entertaining. More later.