Posted by S. , Tuesday, September 20, 2011 8:28 PM

Working nonstop. I guess I got used to a tiny amazing class last year. And used to the Northern 3.5 day work week, what with constant ped days and cancellations. And the Northern laid backedness. And a teaching load that basically consisted of 3 courses to prep.

Readjusting. Working like crazy.

Also working on research for my non-profit I'm hoping to start. The goal is to have applications sent for funding by the end of next summer, and to have the project up and running in the North by the start of the 2013-2014 school year.

Heading off the La Mauricie National Park for some canoe-camping in the wilderness (portage! animals! no bathrooms!) next week with some of the students. Should be awesome :)

from Pikogan

Posted by S. , Monday, September 12, 2011 6:17 PM

Scenes, and reality from the North.
I wish more artists would do this.
Ever since I spent a year in the North, I'm amazed by how ignorant and unaware most Canadians (myself until I went there, included) are as to what reality is in the North, and on the rez.
The scenes that I miss seeing. A reality that more people need to be aware of. Not just residential schools and their effects, but the educational apartheid, the third world aspects that are present in our own backyards, the exploitation that's planned, particularly in Plan Nord (damn you, Charest)

Dix ans.

Posted by S. , Sunday, September 11, 2011 12:05 PM

Pictures don't do justice to the sensory details.