New Obession

Posted by S. , Friday, October 28, 2011 10:35 PM

I've always had a bit of a love affair with anything kitsch, neon, and reminiscent of the 50s.
Lately, I'm on a mission: to start hunting down the items needed to eventually have a 50s kitchen.
Ironic on so many levels, I know.
I managed to score an owl that is all sorts of awesome for 1.99 tonight. Said Owl's twin, found online:

De retour

Posted by S. , Sunday, October 2, 2011 9:26 PM

I'm back in the city, after a lovely week in the North. Not as far north as last year, but far enough considering I had to survive being the only teacher on a schoolbus full of hungry cranky teenagers to get there and back!

I feel significantly more hardcore wilderness after this trip. I've always claimed to love camping... however, this past week was my first ever experience with this thing called "real" camping, aka backwoods canoe camping. We had to paddle for 2 hours to get to our campsite, which for services had: an outhouse, a fire pit, and an odd looking metal structure for hanging up your food so as to keep the bears and wolves and such from your tent. No showers for a week. Wet, wet wet weather. 30 minute paddle across Lake Wapizagonke to the other camp aka where the other teacher was.

Yeah, that's right. I can rough it and be super responsible.