Press Play... Now
Posted by S. , Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:14 PM
Thanks to the whole cyst/health crisis, I feel like my life has been paused in most senses of the word, since mid October when this all started. There's a week of my life where I can't tell you who I talked to, what the weather was, and all I remember is pain and that I'm kinda traumatized by the surgery. And a total breakdown emotionally in the ER, when I realized I was the ONLY person sitting there waiting who was alone.
Now that the end of this crisis, at least for now, is near... I guess I feel like it's time to start dealing with non-cyst and work-related issues.
I remembered, Friday, that right before all of this flared-up, to use the medical term, I went to get my tarot read (feels farther away than Waskaganish... I've been in some sort of time-warp this Fall). I was told I had a choice to make. I haven't been in limbo, or though about this, since all of this started, but it's something that maybe it's time to sort out and act on.
Stay or go? Not a new question. Basically the guiding question and overarching theme of my life. I'm happiest when in constant motion, and surrounded by NEW. Am I built to stick it out in one spot? Stability and permanence scare me. But I saw something I want in Easter, and when I got back in July. As to whether it wants me or not is maybe the only reason I haven't actually answered this question.