After 2 weeks home for xmas, and internet-free, I'm discovering that 1- I really didn't miss the internet that much. Other than a few blogs that I follow, my online activities are entirely work-related, it seems. and 2- I actually missed my little Chez Moi.
Already starting the job-hunt for 2012-2013, in addition to applying to 2 grad schools. Ideally, a job that involves only prepping 1-3 courses, not 7-8 like I am now. I'm completely overloaded, which is likely the root of the hatred I have towards my job right now (I won't publicly rant and rave about other reasons... should you be interested, I'd be more than willing to inbox you).
I've been working on the motivation to post something, anything really, recapping 2011 as that's what all the other Bloggers are doing. I'm not really what to say... somehow, the last 6 months of this year are too recent, and the first 6 are too far away for me to come up with anything eloquent.
I feel like the last few months have been one of suspended animation, thanks largely to a health issue and partially due to the inevitable post-year of travel down. After living something extraordinaly for a year, I guess it's inevitable that coming back to the ordinary, over-worked, lonely solitary life in a city I feel zero affinity for was bound to feel like a let down.
In contrast, the first 6 months of the year were all about intensity. Even the boredom during the Northern deep-freezes and blizzards ;) The last 2 months up North were nearly halycon. Long hikes, Sunday brunches at the Lodge, balcony talks, laid-back party evenings playing cards, simplicity, eating candy from Diamonds on the steps of the Pentecostal Church, watching the tides, traipsing about the sand roads in flip flops (braving tetanus with every step), and getting attacked on a regular basis by bugs. And sunsets at midnight. Ahh.
I'm skipping over the summer period. Other than a week spent camping at Pine Lake that was absolutely delicious, there was nothing noteworthy. Or nothing noteworthy that I feel to write about... I got off the plane, thought I saw/felt something, and then found out quickly enough it was one-sided and got a bit crushed. Didn't really have time to dwell on it, as the cyst arrived, as did my much-hated all-consuming job.