Truth & Reconcilliation
Posted by S. , Friday, April 26, 2013 5:04 PM
So, to start, the big news: I'm headed back North back to Eeyou Istchee for the summer. And yes, I'll be reviving my blog to write down the adventures.
In the mean time, something big and important is happening this weekend in Mtl: Truth and Reconcilliation.
The first time I heard about Canada's residential schools legacy I was in my first semester of university, in an Intro to Historical Methods (or something like that), class at Bishop's. I heard the term come up in two more courses: a contemporary history course in my final year of my BA, and in my First Nations Education class at McGill.
That's it. And I was a grade-A history student through high school and cegep, and majored in North American History (although we all know that Geo major is more near and dear to my heart).
So, read these articles. Follow what is going on. Stop thinking Canada is this great, happy shiny paragon of human rights to hold up to the world as an example to follow.
And bear in mind the last of these schools closed in the 1980s.