August & Everything After

Posted by S. , Sunday, November 7, 2010 5:22 PM

In August (the 30th, to be precise) I left, with 4 months as a duration firmly rooted in my mind.

Anyone that doubts my original intentions to be back for the winter season just has to look at the nearly 200$ bill from my purchasing a season pass to ski and ride at Bromont this winter as proof.

Sometimes, things you didn't foresee occur along the way. And, as usual, a fork was thrown in the road, and I've spent the last month debating, making pro and con list and attempting to figure out what to do come December. To say I've been stressed by all this is an understatement of exponential sorts.

I won't list all of the pros and cons on here. Needless to say: I miss skiing, I miss mountains, I miss mocha fudge coffees in our corner at St-Michel, I miss convenience, my friends and family, my cat, my car, being able to get out of town, snowboarding, I miss somewhat functional educational institutions. There are even more abandoned ski hills than just Shefford <3 to explore this winter. There's Winterlude, skating on the lake, and Thai food to look forward to. I miss DDR, hanging at Mikes, and random adventures.

I like the kids here. I love living on the coast. I have met people I really like being friends with. I have feelings for someone, even if my neuroticism (sp?) has most likely rendered them unreciprocated... I like pottery, and having tonnes of time to work on writing and photography. I have a cafe here, too. I still haven't seen a lot of things. I do love winter.

I've decided, and I'm not saying for the moment.I don't want to jinx anything, disapoint or let anyone down if I change my mind, don't want anyone trying to sway me here or there. And so... a weight off my shoulders and time to de-stress. I had a nice solo wander out of town on the water intake road. 


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