Posted by S. , Sunday, August 28, 2011 4:31 PM

This is Waskaganish weather.
People can complain, comment, be in awe all they wish to about the rain and wind formerly known as Hurricane Irene all the want, but really, this is nothing. Actually, it's evoking memories of October and November in the North last year. In Waskaganish, when storms blow off the Bay (which is, in the aforementioned months, pretty much every few days), it rains from the ground up.

On another note, I've been contemplating changing the blog title and URL. I mean, I've returned to my overly comfortable ho-hum Southern existence... 2 months ago today. And while Laval and Oka are, arguably, to the north of Montreal and the Townships... it isn't QUITE the same, one could argue.

I always find something depressing about the first in a new home. It might be the mountain of boxes to unpack, the furniture I need to buy, the paint job my fixer-upper desperately needs...or perhaps it's the complete lack of memories that the place holds?

Last nights in a home are somehow less depressing. Not to say that leaving both Waskaganish and Lennoxvegas weren't slightly heart-wrenching last nights, but at least there are, amongst all the boxes, happy times to reflect back on.

I hadn't bothered opening any of the boxes that returned from Waskaganish until tonight... it's an odd feeling, sifting through pieces of a life you recently left, and finding stuff waiting for you....

Now, if I could only find my toilet paper and my blender.

For now, the blog title/URL debate remains unsolved and I'm opting for status quo. I will, after all, be heading back to James Bay for a visit sometime in the next 10 months, and I am debating a move to Kuuj in the distant but rapidly approaching future.

Ok, enough for now.

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