Posted by S. , Monday, February 28, 2011 9:48 PM
Kito is growing too fast! Having trouble picking him up, more and more.
Soon, I will lose my sleeping-in-the-lap puppy :/
Kito is growing too fast! Having trouble picking him up, more and more.
Soon, I will lose my sleeping-in-the-lap puppy :/
Still alive. Not online much these days.
Went to a hockey game last night. As far as life here goes, it was actually pretty exciting. I also felt like I was 15 again, when Saturday night was synonymous with being at the arena. The slush and Jock Jams were present; all that was lacking was a certain Offspring song, the crazy Waterloo lady with the foam finger, and the sour cherry gummy candies we always called "gummy testicles".
I have a nice foot warmer right now... aka, Kito. Who has actually already grown a lot in 2 weeks; it saddens me to see puppy face disappearing.
And... the foot warmer just chewed my foot....
New toys? Kito is wary.
New bowl? Kito is very sceptical; he jumped around, got excited over food... sniffed his new bowl, and had a freak out.
Went to "water" the dog, and was treated to the Northern Lights. <3
2 hours, several hundred calories, and a pulled muscle later, im back from the gym. Just blogging to prove I'm still making good on my New Year's Resolution.!
i should be making sure I know what I'm teaching tomorrow. I should be editing and sending 2 assignments off by email to my prof. I should be doing laundry.
But.... I'm binging on 90s teen movies, instead
As soon as Save the Last Dance is done, I'll hit the gym and go in to school for a bit, I swear!!
Now, that is my idea of a good pick-me-up for a Saturday night. Went over to visit 2 of my friends for a girls night. Nothing makes a person feel better more than good food, chocolate beverages, a 90s movie (10 Things I hate About You... c'mon, 90s kids, admit it, you love it) and googling 90s teen stars to see where they are now.
Alfonso Ribeiro (Carleton, Fresh Prince)= Scary
Zachary Ty Bryan (oldest brother, Home Improvement)= has a hot 2nd cousin
JTT (no descrip needed)= gorgeous
Andrew Keegan= scary wife beater.
I realized it's been a year since I tore my meniscus. Dear Knee: I apologize profusely. Ah, craving a Shefford day with some Creme eggs.
After girls night and a "shopping" excursion to Northern, all in all a good day. The blizzard is over, the stars are out, im trying to stay up a bit longer to catch the NorthernLights,should they appear, which I feel they might. My balcony is the perfect vantage point...
Took some pictures of my l'il monster, Kito, which I'll post tomorrow (Dear USB cord... ou est vous?)
Bonne nuit.
Some things we do just betray the fact that we're white, even when bundled from head to toe with no skin showing. Such as going, by foot, shopping in the middle of a blizzard (Geographer's note: The Northern store is located right on the shoreline, making it and the walk there, the windiest coldest part of town. Note 2: I also live in the windy/cold zone on the shoreline).
It was overall a good day. I got a popcorn maker, for a reasonable price. I intend to return and spend 20$ to get a quesidilla maker and ENGLISH version of Trivial Pursuit. Yeah, that's right, we can get English board games here. Take that, OLF (Note: OLF= Office de la langue francaise here in Quebec, colloquially referred to as the Language Police.)
I was remembering that Popcorn song our kindergarten teacher used to play (I had a 45 LP of it at home; was so excited as a 7 year old when I discovered that and the monster mash!)
Off to nap, shower, brave the elements for supper (ok, ok. I'm totally taking a taxi back, just walking there).
First 24 hours of cut off, complete. Still feeling horrible over it; necessary, though, if there's to be any hope of friendship.
This is officially the longest period of time I've gone (6 weeks) without contact with the outside world. Hoping to get out soon; if not, Goose Break is creeping closer. Wednesday marks the halfway point!
Blizzard again, can barely see across the street. Am worried when I take my tiny tiny puppy outside that he'll be blown to Nunavut.
Winter in the North is not the Winter that I love.
I'm watching downhill on CBC, and realized I haven't been skiing or boarding in 5 weeks. A new winter record, bien sur. Considering the amount of snow constantly falling back home (after last winter being a snowless short one), I can't help but keep thinking: if I was home, I'd be skiing now. Followed by a moka fudge at St-Mich. There would be snowshoeing at the Cedars, Becket practices...
Don't get me wrong, I've moved past the I want to go home! crisis; now I'm more at a I shouldn't have come back point. I'm sure when the snow melts, and I get back after Goose Break this Spring, I'll feel differently.
On a random note, pic from exactly a year ago (skiing in an ice storm, do note the ice):
And then I found his tiny little Farmville Farmer on my farm next to my chicken coop, and second doubted myself to many extents
Exciting news. After 3 weeks of craving it, a shipment of sour cream finally arrived on yesterday's truck. As did a supply of Creme Eggs. I stockpiled both, seeing as to how who knows how long it will be until more come in. After a month of searching, I also managed to procur a can of Red Bull.
Have been realizing the effects of isolation on me (and other humans) lately, especially after having a conversation with a friend about it. More to follow tomorrow when I'm less fried and frazzled.
I GOT MY MITTENS!! Am contemplating a pair of moccasins, too.
Will post pics of the mittens this weekend. And more Kito pics, bien sur.
I'm watching Jeopardy. I'm a touch freaked out by Watson, just sayin'.
I'm also a bit freaked out by Alex Trebeck's ability to not even flinch and address a machine as a human contestant.
I have a few questions I'd like answered. Could I ask Watson, I would. In his abscence, I decided to ask Google.
Question: What happens if you eat silver?
Answer: You turn blue. Condition called Argyria.
Question: Is my living room wall falling apart?
Answer: Unanswered.
Question: Is the Northern still charging us prices as if there were no road into town, and they were being serviced by barge?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Can I make my own fondue broth?
Answer: Yes
Question: How addictive is Farmville?
Answer: "This game is addictive like cocaine-laced-alcohol-cigarettes."
Question: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
Answer: Blair Waldorf.
Question: How do you get over someone?
Answer: You do the following: join the gym, get your nails done, take a weekend trip, get a new hair cut, purge your home and life of anything associated with the person, and completely cut them off- no talking, no seeing, no nothing, for at least a few weeks.
Question: What if I live in in isolated Northern community where none of the above except the first one (done!) are possible
Answer: Unanswered.
Google: Not so much.
I caved and got a puppy. And now, the arduous and stinky process of housetraining begins.
I'm GETTING MITTENS SOON!! This is all very exciting. Pics to come, when I get them.
I've got a different ending to our story,
I know it's hard for you, but listen as I read
Think before you leave.
Tell me that you believe
What fate has been telling me
Bring it back...
What I wanted: For us to start over and really try. Not try to keep going, but to air it all, and actually genuinely try to make it work and to communicate.
What I got: The opposite. It's over.
What I feel: My intuition said it would work this time.
What happens next: I can;t be friends, as much as I want to. I am asking for a housing change. Some mistakes will torment me if I have to look at them every single day. Eventually the feelings will fade, or I'll trick myself into falling for the new guy in VD... but for now, friendship is the complete opposite of what I want, and I just... can't.
Thank god for puppies.
Decided to "streamline" my wardrobe, as it doesn't really fit into the space provided where I live, and I just know I'll never get around to sewing, patching, etc some items with some tears. In the process of doing a triage of items (I do need to keep something warm and summerlike for June), I threw out a fair amount of items that I probably should have ditched months ago, or simply never brought. I came across one such tshirt, that would require a fair amount of blue thread, to fix a tear along the seams....and remembered that it was what I was wearing on a particular day in September in which I had no voice, was on a boat at Smokey Hill... and, well... a chain of feelings and events was set in motion, in which I found myself returning here. So, the blue shirt, much like a picture I found while attempting to clean up my inbox on hotmail, remains with me, and not deleted or tossed out in the trash, despite the feelings it evokes.
In typical me-style, I am dealing with all of this by writing out the truth, some key information and details. In the past, this is how I've dealt with this type of situation. How many letters actually got sent/delivered to their addressee? Zero. That's right, they all eventually ended up in the garbage. Fear? No. That's not the cause at all, believe me. I'm at the same place that I went to with those previous guys and letters; debating whether I deliver it, or trash it. Delivering it might not change anything, it might change everything; throwing it out means moving on. Time to do some deep-thinking on what I really feel and want. And to see where a piece of purple paper makes its way to in the next days.
I'm thinking of getting a puppy this week.
I shovelled using a broom. I really need to invest in a shovel. And a can opener, as mine doesn't work and I'm currently having an epic battle to get a can of diced tomatoes open. Also need a toaster. And a zipper for my winter jacket.
We all know my love of Gossip Girl, chick lit, and chick flicks. (I'm reading Shakespeare and the new Lauren Weisberger book concurently... so there, literary snobs!)
Basically, there is one basic rule to chick lit: in your 20s (eek! I'm in my late 20s now), you live in a crappy dwelling (check! my walls might actually separate from one another), you have more cash outflow than inflow (triple check), and are a fashionable NYC resident.
And it is, of course, on that 3rd point that my life is quite opposite of the image portrayed of this period of life.
I'm going to confess that I miss wearing heels. I particularly miss my flowered BCBG sandals and my "whore boots." I miss sipping drinks out of cocktail glasses. I miss wearing skirts and makeup to work every day.
Not, by any means, to give the illusion of me being that type of girl. Let's face it... I may or may not for the 2 summers I worked on the boat have forgotten entirely on many days to take any form of footwear to work with me, and felt more comfortable wearing Hawaiian Tropic than perfume. And the ski tendencies are far from the urban NYC girl cliche.
But, I find myself, after so many months done and ahead of me of isolate, tiny Northern town life.... craving some form of big city adventure. I'd be lying if I said anything other than: I'm checking out private school job ads near the Big Apple. While I often, what with being gregarious and social, sometimes feel like a square peg living in a round peg in Wask, I recognize that it would be no different there. But I'm craving the opposite of this. NYC is closer to home, less than half the distance Wask is, and triple the accessibility at one third the cost of transport. I haven't been back to NYC since Easter in... 2003. Maybe Goose Break....
Possibly just an idea. Maybe Europe is an option, Korea, or MTL.
On verra.
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