Oh, Winter, I miss you

Posted by S. , Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:14 PM

Blizzard again, can barely see across the street. Am worried when I take my tiny tiny puppy outside that he'll be blown to Nunavut.

Winter in the North is not the Winter that I love.
I'm watching downhill on CBC, and realized I haven't been skiing or boarding in 5 weeks. A new winter record, bien sur. Considering the amount of snow constantly falling back home (after last winter being a snowless short one), I can't help but keep thinking: if I was home, I'd be skiing now. Followed by a moka fudge at St-Mich. There would be snowshoeing at the Cedars, Becket practices...

Don't get me wrong, I've moved past the I want to go home! crisis; now I'm more at a I shouldn't have come back point. I'm sure when the snow melts, and I get back after Goose Break this Spring, I'll feel differently.

On a random note, pic from exactly a year ago (skiing in an ice storm, do note the ice):

 I traded in a lot to come back here. For one reason... yet, why is it I'm just not able to make it work?

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