24 hours in Ouje-Bougoumou
Posted by S. , Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:33 PM
So, last week I had the chance to go to Ouje-Bougoumou for 24 hours (minus flight time, I suppose it was more like 21.25 hours). I actually have known of this town's existence since it was created, as my adored Grade 2 teacher took a year's leave when I was in elem, to go teach there. Odd, to find myself there, 20 soemthing years later.
Ouje, officially settled in 1995 (although the restaraunt opened in '94 and the school in that year as well), is the newest of the 9 Cree communities (for now, anyway, as Washaw Sibi is currently being built, near Amos). And is a stark contrast to Wask. The roads are paved, and not sand/mud/potholelakes. No dogs followed me (here, an average walk of 10 minutes entails roughly 10 dogs, if not more). I saw NO garbage, let alone layers of garbage anywhere (I actually saw someone from Public Works picking up a few stray pop cans... what?). Nor did I find myself tripping over empty Russian Prince bottles or Budweiser cans. Granted, it is, at 700 people, one third the size of here. But still. Clean!
Ouje-Bougoumou means "place where people gather" in Cree. And is an urban planners dream (actually, it was a famous one, Cardinal, who was the architect of the town and most of what is in it). I quite literally was going "wow", driving into town. It also won an UN award for being one of the world's top 50 settlements. Again, stark contrast to where I live.... Rather refreshing (and depressing, in a way) to see what could have been, or could be for a community such as this one.
Pics to follow when I'm at home tonight.
I unfortunately wasn't quick enough with my camera on the way into town to snap a pic of the: Stop! Jesus loves you sign (located right next to Mr Layton.... )
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