En route vers le sud
Posted by S. , Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:40 PM
On the road again finally.
Country roads, take me home.
Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means moving on.
Mistakes I've made plenty of (D, T if either of you ever reads this, which I doubt... you know who you are... I'm sorry).
I am, however, letting go. No more trying to get closure, resolution, forgiveness. Some people aren't strong enough to forgive. (Maybe it's time I forgave someone for a discretion in the fall of 09. Maybe no one will forgive me until I forgive others). If those people aren't strong enough to forgive.... I'm moving on. Maybe time heals all, maybe our paths will cross again in better mindframes, maybe this is endgame. But I'm not trying anymore. My efforts just get laughed at, kicked aside, turned into something negative. Sometimes the punishment outweighs the crime. Sometimes you just have to stop waiting for people to forgive, and accept maybe they aren't capable of doing so because of their own demons.
Forgiveness is the cleansing fire that burns away old regrets and resentments.
That doesn't mean that it's still not what I'm wishing for on my bday. Especially the first of the 2 initials indicated. Losing a friend sucks, to put it plainly.
Celebrate endings - for they precede new beginnings.
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