Posted by S. , Monday, May 9, 2011 6:48 PM
+1 for the North: little or no birch or poplar trees, after one of the worst days of my life down South.
Other notes:
+1 for Air Creebec: they let us skip the security lineup and go straight thru at Dorval after checking our dogs. And then came to tell us personally at the back of the plane that they were safely boarded.
-1 for forgetting there is no such thing as a "smooth ride" on a northern plane, and stowing my Gravol UNDER the plane.
+1 for sitting in the backseat so that everytime the plane stopped and turned off, the dogs would howl as they could hear us 3 feet away, annoying Passenger Donkey
-1 for not getting a chance to tell Security that the Donkey was up to smthg fishy
+1 for the fact my puppy just played DDR.
-1 for getting to airport at last possible minute and not getting a last Timmy's coffee.
That's about it.
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