June 8th, 2011
Posted by S. , Wednesday, June 8, 2011 9:26 PM
Last day of classes, done.
I've got to admit, I'm more than a little sad to part with my students. Who are beyond words amazing. Who are what kept me here, and kept me going when the isolation/Northern winter/relationship issues/school crazyness got to me. My classroom has been my happy place since November 29th.
The last day of classes here is rather... ho-hum. Honestly, you wouldn't be able to tell it apart from any other day of the school year. I suppose being a Wednesday, with most groups having exams tomorrow might explain why.
On another note, exactly 10 years ago today was MY last day of high school classes. I would have passed right by it if I wasn't teaching Sec 5.
It was 5 degrees and may or may not snow overnight. Definately not the beach worthy weather it was a decade ago today. A DECADE. Is that getting to anyone else, or does this sort of thing hit more when you're a high school teacher?
At any rate, I feel a world away from the Cowansville beach (Coco Beach... does anyone still call it that?), MV tennis courts, and driving around in a van singing "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" jacked on iced capps (Timmy's was brand new in Cow town!) on a dollarama run (No Walmart yet!) Maybe it's the distance. I wonder if I'd feel closer if I were still working at MV?
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