Another week over

Posted by S. , Sunday, October 24, 2010 5:47 PM

Another weekend draws to a close! I would love to delight and entertain you all with thrilling stories of adventures, cultural encounters and the like.... but alas, I have none. Blogger, it seems, temporarily ate my password, but it spit it up this afternoon, allowing me to post again. No questions asked, cybergods.

I realized that 4 months has turned into 1 Month and X days at this point, until I'm home (for xmas. for good. Before heading off somewhere fantastical, returning here, staying there, who knows at this point?)

I have a cold, again. After not getting sick of well over a year, since June I've been lucky enough to enjoy a monthly battle with the common cold. I know, I know, they're called fruits and vegetables. Mind you, the price, smushy brown condition, and lack of availability of them up here somewhat justifies my potatoe/bagel diet. It's not scurvy, don't worry.....

I finally saw the Northern Lights in a somewhat substantial-to-dazzle-me form last night. Green, blue... and pink. I didn't realize they did pink and was rather delighted.Went hunting for them the night before.... while the rapids are gorgeous at night, that seems to be where the latest cold was caught.

Spent the PM playing Skipbo and caffeinating at the Lodge. Gorgeous appears it will be a snow-less week this week.

Short week this week, with school Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday only. Getting used to a normal teaching schedule back home is going to be a challenge after this fall....

I think that is the end of the random thoughts. Off for a nap before... attending the Cree Fellowship. Sam at a Gospel Church... believe it! (Don't worry, I'm not converting to the whole religious beliefs phenomenon. I like my individualistic stance and strong belief in Ullr the snow god). Think of it as.... cultural anthropology and photog experience.

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