♪ Like autumn turns leaves, winter will breathe ♫
Posted by S. , Monday, October 4, 2010 9:59 PM
I'm grappling with the idea of missing an alpine ski/snowboard season. Christmas break and the occasional escape to the Laurentians or Townships over the winter, while probably the average number of outings a skiier skis, seems inacceptable to me.
On the other hand, having a job and income does tend to outweigh sitting broke at my father's as a ski bum with nothing else.
On the other hand, people move, things change. Maybe this is my last chance before my friends back home get the same urge to take off as I had/have.
Thinking I should spend the summer "wintering" at a ski resort in New Zealand. Now there's balance for you.
The visa application is filled out, as are several instructor application forms for Coronet Peaks, Wanaka, and Cardrona. Ski!! From June til October!! Love-love-love. Sheep instead of wolves. There's a trade-off of sorts.
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