
Posted by S. , Tuesday, October 5, 2010 10:59 PM

I'm too tired and sleep deprived to write anything of substance.
Random facts....
-I had an odd dream about adopting a penguin as a child the other night
-I've been having inexplicable cravings for Thai Express tofu for the past month
-I just randomly and suddenly kicked my coffee habit again
-Wild turkeys scare me
-I think that the need to break into abandoned ski stations/ghost towns/old mini putt courses may indicate something
-I've discovered that pepperoni, if not cut up and cooked on a pizza, disgusts me
- I want a dog, but know I'm too inept to take care of one properly.
-I really miss my cat. Apparently the feeling is mutual.
- I'm totally avoiding dealing with some things that happened before I left in August, and I think this may be the reason that, with going home for the weekend approaching, I can't sleep. If you're one of the two people this refers to.... no idea where I stand, if an apology is forthcoming, if things will get fixed.
-I'm long overdue for a coffee-therapy session at St-Michel. Oh, mocha fudge and girl talks.
- Glee has now loaded.

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