Counting down
Posted by S. , Saturday, December 11, 2010 2:30 PM
Departure for the xmas holidays in less than a week. 6 days to be precise, minus 2 hours. But who's counting?
I'd love to say that I have mixed feelings about going home, but as I'm in the process of packing, throwing out, and preparing boxes (moving across town in January), I have to admit, if I'm being honest, that I can't wait to get out of here.
It's an overwhelming feeling of just wanting to be home that grows as the departure time and date approaches; This week seems ridiculously long, stretching forever in front of me. In comparison to the past 4 months which have flown by for the most part. There were some stretches where I'll admit to compulsively checking how many days until Christmas; other periods where I had those "really? only 3 weeks left?" feelings.
I had originally planned to go home for good at Christmas. Lack of a job down south, and a good one up here changed those plans. I think I'm still getting used to the fact that, other than Goose Break in April, early January I'll be saying bye until late late late June. No Thanxgiving Break a month and change in to look forward to, this time. A little depressing.
Basically, my decision came down to being based on financial/job reasons. Nothing personal to anyone, here or there, but that's just how the cards played out.
I feel that my heart is in one place, but my reality is another. I'm sure eventually sometime during the inevitable deep freeze of January, they will merge together a little more cohesively than they are now.
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