Val d'Or, not nearly as shiny as it sounds
Posted by S. , Friday, December 17, 2010 10:30 PM
For those not well acquainted with Val d'Or... not exactly a exciting, thrilling place. I'd love to write stories of prowling about town, panning for gold, but if there's any, it's buried under 3 feet of snow, and 1 foot of asphalt. And I didn't strike gold on the way down. I did, however, strike ice and snow, and occasionally realize I was driving on the wrong side of the road. I also saw the infamous Red Light and VD prostitutes. VD referring to the town, not the disease, to be sure.
I'm already sick of moving, after last night.. only to find out I have to rush on Sunday and Tuesday when free to get everything I need to send back up North packed and ready for the 23rd when the movers come. So much for practicing sax and bringing xmas gifts home. You can see how totally motivated I am to dig through and triage all my belongings, and pack them.
On a bright note: classes, school, DONE for me for 3 weeks. Will still be sorting out the math situation over the holidays. My first week back to work most of the kids are gone on their college orientation trip, making for an easy week, too.
I bought an iPod. You can all make snide comments. I caved in and finally went Apple. No, there will be no ipad, iphone, or ipod touch in my future, though.
Had a fairly good, fun last day in Waskaganish yesterday, for the most part. Last day before the holidays, I mean. Mixed feelings about returning in January.... going back til end of June for certain, but... mixed feelings about this. Mostly based on my uncertainty about teaching math, the whole first year teaching jitters (again! I thought I killed those when I taught at LaSalle College! but, alas, no....), uncertainty about someone, uncertainty about my ability to subsist 4 months without a break back home, uncertainty that my winter jacket is warm enough to prevent me from becoming a rather curly and frizzy haired snowperson.
Plane in... 8 hours. Home in... 10. With a Timmy's stop en route, bien sur.
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