Posted by S. , Saturday, December 4, 2010 1:32 PM

I stumbled across Project 365 when searching for something completely irrelevant, and was intrigued. Basically, the idea is to take one picture a day for a year (ergo the 365), based on some sort of theme. I'll be starting this weekend, mine is located here:

On another note, I finally tried beaver. Other than the rubbery parts, its actually rather delightful.
Survived two flea markets this week. It turns out that this is a flea market culture. I can't complain, as I ate all sorts of great foods (most of which I photograped and will upload when I find my memory card reader).

Haven't been updating much, as I started teaching sec 5 this week. Was given precisely :4 minutes warning, so you can imagine the amount of planning I had done. You can also imagine my level of cluelessness.

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