If you want to know me, you must 1st know my iPod...
Posted by S. , Tuesday, December 28, 2010 11:05 PM
I had planned out an eloquent, elaborate post about friendships, change, etc.
And then I overdosed on sugar, took NyQuil, and waited for reaally slow internet to load. And so, the planned post will come at some later time and date. And instead, a list of songs I rediscovered after coaxing one of my old laptops to turn on, for a brief moment of time (Fraaaaank, helllllp!) 10 Songs which I highly recommend.
1- A Lifetime, Better than Ezra (oh, to be driving on Shore Road in York right now)
2- Take a Picture- Filter (it's sec 4, I'm eating a bagel and failing math class in that classroom with the bright orange carpets that are since long gone)
3- Swing Life Away- Rise Against (and if you like it: Saviour, Audience of One, Prayer of the Refugees by the same)
4-Flawed Design- Stabilo
5- Symbolistic White Walls- Matthew Good Band (and then Strange Days, and then read: At Last, There's Nothing Left to Say).
6-Mrs Potters Lullaby- Counting Crows (the band that one must know to know me. August & Everything After was my 1st ever cassette. and cd. This is the one country-like song I'll admit to loving. How can I not love a song with tilt a whirl imagery?)
7- Undeniable- Mat Kearney
8-Boston- Augustana
9- Never Too Late- Three Days Grace (the 1st time I heard this was on Canada Day, the year it came out on one of the infamous annual Ottawa/Canada Day road/camping trips which I am debating resurrecting this coming summer...Great song to jog through the Ottawa Valley near Manotick to)
10- Dice- Finley Quaye (OC fans will recognize this from New Year's Eve Season 1)
11- (An extra two because it's the holidays and I'm feeling generous): The Ocean- The Bravery (ocean. 'nuff said for those who know me. Also by The Bravery: Time Won't Let Me Go, and Believe)
12- Pure Morning- Placebo (I was a 90s teen, alright? It was on a Big Shiny Tunes cassette, which makes it cool)
I love rediscovering old playlists, and old favorites. Music is the number one form of time travel.
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