Coming soon!!!
Posted by S. , Wednesday, March 23, 2011 12:14 PM
I've decided to start a 2nd blog, on relationships. Or rather mis-relationships.
God only knows I have more than enough material to work with.
Look for it, coming soon.
After a tantalizing apercu of spring weather for the past week, Winter came back on the first day of Spring. The kids up here tend to laugh when I tell them it's spring; it's just a day on a calendar, up here, what with spring arriving "late April to mid-May". Apparently last year, spring sprung late March (I have pictures of skiing at Bromont mid-March where there was no natural snow left.) This year, it seems, will not be such a fortunate climatic anomaly.
I do enjoy the longer days; the sun sets much later in the North; the sun already only sets at 8 PM. I'm rather excited for March, and particulary the solstice June 21st, as I'll have sunlight to 10:30-11 at night. Reminiscint of June 2006 in England. Ahh, London. Summer 2012, please DO hurry.
Elizabeth Taylor died today, in other news.
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