Posted by S. , Wednesday, March 30, 2011 7:38 PM

Ahhh, spring. Normally I have mixed feelings towards spring, more verging on sadness than spring fever. The sad feeling that ski season is melting (quite literally) away, for another 7-8 months. With a tinge of appreciation of green-ness, and of course spring skiing and wearing skirts.

What with James Bay lowlands being flat and devoid of any relief except the occasional tall snowdrift, I'm giddy that it's spring. I just spent 40 minute outside reading (Not Now, Voyager) and waiting (hoping! praying!) for the puppy to produce some byproducts (no luck. Perhaps if I squeeze him?).

The nights are still frigid, but the end of the deep freeze is nigh.

And, of course, with SPRING means 3 weeks off, for Goose Break. And a trip to Ouje-Bougoumou.

It's the winter Carnival here in Wask until Sunday. I just may participate in the town hot dog eating contest on Sunday. And yes, I'll make sure that someone captures the moment photographically.

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