Tarot reading.
Posted by S. , Sunday, March 6, 2011 4:02 PM
Queen of Cups
in the "Love & Me" Position:
You are called upon to be a loving master of emotional integrity with your future romantic partner.
The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself with regard to possible intimacy in your life.
The Queen of Cups is the archetype of loving-kindness. Therefore, she is imbued with a vital concern for the well being of others, including romantic partners. This is a good thing to develop and practice. At the same time, make sure you don't get carried away and lose track of what is healthy and sensible for yourself. Like a mother, the Queen of Cups is accepting and nurturing, with a natural capacity for bonding.
The vulnerability of openness and empathy are important qualities sorely lacking in today's world. Learn to develop these capacities in yourself, but avoid codependency. Love is ultimately about dissolving boundaries, but not at your personal expense. Feelings of emptiness will do you no good. Know your boundaries and make sure you are not being taken advantage of or relied upon too heavily by your next romantic companion. Express loving kindness, but don't let an intense concern for the welfare of others compromise your own well being.
The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself with regard to possible intimacy in your life.
The Queen of Cups is the archetype of loving-kindness. Therefore, she is imbued with a vital concern for the well being of others, including romantic partners. This is a good thing to develop and practice. At the same time, make sure you don't get carried away and lose track of what is healthy and sensible for yourself. Like a mother, the Queen of Cups is accepting and nurturing, with a natural capacity for bonding.
The vulnerability of openness and empathy are important qualities sorely lacking in today's world. Learn to develop these capacities in yourself, but avoid codependency. Love is ultimately about dissolving boundaries, but not at your personal expense. Feelings of emptiness will do you no good. Know your boundaries and make sure you are not being taken advantage of or relied upon too heavily by your next romantic companion. Express loving kindness, but don't let an intense concern for the welfare of others compromise your own well being.
King of Swords
in the "Situation" Position
There is one who can provide vision and leadership. Take heed and learn to conduct yourself with greater integrity.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
The King of Swords is in this position points to someone in your environment who exhibits wisdom and strong principles. Whether it is another person or some higher part of your own knowing, you and the person you would like to be involved with are being directed here to defer to a source of profound knowledge. This third entity could be a wise elder or counselor, one who is able to be clear and levelheaded -- even in emotionally charged situations.
This King of Swords impresses both of you enough that you are willing to trust his integrity, accept his direction, and embrace his wisdom. It may feel like a risk to entrust yourselves to a more cosmic point of view that you are not entirely familiar with. It is a risk you must take, however, because this king represents qualities you may need to develop in your forthcoming relationship(s). Seek out such a king and utilize new insights to re-evaluate mutual goals. By looking at a potential relationship through the lens of the King of Swords, your relationship will establish a stronger foundation rooted in timeless wisdom.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
The King of Swords is in this position points to someone in your environment who exhibits wisdom and strong principles. Whether it is another person or some higher part of your own knowing, you and the person you would like to be involved with are being directed here to defer to a source of profound knowledge. This third entity could be a wise elder or counselor, one who is able to be clear and levelheaded -- even in emotionally charged situations.
This King of Swords impresses both of you enough that you are willing to trust his integrity, accept his direction, and embrace his wisdom. It may feel like a risk to entrust yourselves to a more cosmic point of view that you are not entirely familiar with. It is a risk you must take, however, because this king represents qualities you may need to develop in your forthcoming relationship(s). Seek out such a king and utilize new insights to re-evaluate mutual goals. By looking at a potential relationship through the lens of the King of Swords, your relationship will establish a stronger foundation rooted in timeless wisdom.
Five of Cups
in the "Challenges" Position
Make the best of what remains after adversity has set you back.
The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
When the Five of Cups is in this position, maximize what is left after possible loss. The receiver of this card may have received copious potential in the five cups shown, but three of them have been upended and their contents spilled into the earth. Whether it was carelessness or destiny that spilled these cups isn't ultimately important. What matters now is that the two full cups be tended and utilized as intelligently as possible. Resources may be built up and the core value of what was passed on in a relationship can be cultivated again.
You may have this opportunity to make the best of what is left to you after a tumultuous upset. If you sink into depression about what is lost, you may get nowhere. Focus on the value that still remains, and make the best of it as optimistically as possible.
The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
When the Five of Cups is in this position, maximize what is left after possible loss. The receiver of this card may have received copious potential in the five cups shown, but three of them have been upended and their contents spilled into the earth. Whether it was carelessness or destiny that spilled these cups isn't ultimately important. What matters now is that the two full cups be tended and utilized as intelligently as possible. Resources may be built up and the core value of what was passed on in a relationship can be cultivated again.
You may have this opportunity to make the best of what is left to you after a tumultuous upset. If you sink into depression about what is lost, you may get nowhere. Focus on the value that still remains, and make the best of it as optimistically as possible.
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