Posted by S. , Monday, March 28, 2011 9:48 PM
I am, without out any shade of doubt, a carnivore. Any chances of the idea of eating an animal making me queasy were dispelled today. Upon hearing that there was a dead moose that had been trapped on the weekend being skinned in the Boys Cree Culture classroom, I immediately went to see it. For those of you who have never witnessed such a thing: you cut the hoofs off, peel the skin off, and have a bloody, tail-less moose with blood and guts showing, head still attached. Got a little bit of blood on my shoes, gave him a pat on his head, and then went to grab a bagel as a snack before the bell rang.
I was not as impressed with the 2-year old moose as I was with the 2 beavers 2 weeks ago (who still had their fur). If you own anything made of beaver fur (i do!), the fur trade suddenly makes a lot more sense. That, and beavers are frickin' cool looking animals up close. Giant. At least, the female was. The male was smaller. Which, as I was told, is apparently a beaver thing. Beaver boys like babies with back.
My students decided to invite themselves to my wedding (ha! me? riiight), and have decided I should have my honeymoon in the bush. I tried to explain that single people don't get married, but, alas... a goose feast my honeymoon shall be, apparently.
And then the school caught fire 4th period.
Don't worry, we still had math 6th period.
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