Most follow intuition, only wishing it would work...

Posted by S. , Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:34 PM

Sometimes, things just don't work out between people. As friends, as coworkers, as more-than-friends.
Sometimes, it ends well; sometimes, it ends badly.  There is, however, in many cases the uncomfortable feeling of being in limbo until Closure (capital C) is attained. Sometimes, I realize, Closure never occurs. This has yet to occur for me, but I realize that it's just a fact of life. Although, usually Closure leads to new beginnings: peace of mind, a new outlook on yourself or a situation, new beginnings with someone else, or friendship. I'm currently aiming for the last one. As The Fray would sing, Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness.  I want my friend back.

In my case, 15 feet separates us in our daily lives. If I really wanted to, I could spy into his kitchen. One would logically assume that such spaces forces and speeds up the closure process. I assure that it most certainly does not. It also does not make the much-loathed Limbo period very pleasant. There's just no hiding from it.

That rambling prologue of limited relevance being done, a thought:

Do you ever have those moments were you can intuitively know and understand what someone is thinking and feeling? 

Today, as I was soaking up some sunshine, reading some travel memoirs, and revelling in a 3 day weekend having arrived, there he was. And, suddenly, when I wasn't thinking about the situation, my intuition finally decided, for the first time since I've been in the North, to activate. (Sidebar: Is it possible that when in a new location so far removed from what we consider home, and are accustomed to, our personality undergoes such a severe shakeup and readjustment that our intuition simply goes into hibernation? Or is it spring? Or finally having moved on and realized that it just ain't love? Or was it the fact that I was not thinking about it at all, and doing something that was just purely me, that I'd be found doing at the same time and day were I back home in the south? Sitting in the sun, reading travel lit and daydreaming perhaps allowed my intuition to return?). And I just suddenly knew what that person was feeling. I could feel it in the air, 15 feet away. I could see their feelings about this whole situation. I instinctively understood their perceptions, both for better and for worst. I cannot tell what they were thinking, and I'd be a liar to make any claims. I do, however, understand that closure will, in due time, come. And that it will have to be my iniative, when the time is right.

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