Conjugate: Shovel.

Posted by S. , Friday, January 14, 2011 10:51 PM

Je pelte.
Tu peltes. 
Il pelte.
Nous peltons.....

Lesson learned: shovel your stairs and deck regularly. Particularly in a Northern climate.
Reason: If you do not, when you finally get around to doing so, it will not be entirely pleasant.
Description of consequences: It took an hour to hammer/dig/chip away at/shovel the icy/snow mess that was the entrance to my home. I entertained ideas of making a type of ice slide with it, and sliding down to the ground like a penguin every day, but better judgement prevailed.
The only way said experience was tolerable was to crank my iPod up to a deafening level and shovel to Three Days Grace. Angry music is shovelling music, my friends.
Did I mention I didn't bother to buy/send myself a shovel while down south and am dependent on borrowing from others? That could be another Lesson subject right there.

I'm in a bit of a post-Holidays back to reality funk.

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