Shiny and new!
Posted by S. , Monday, January 3, 2011 12:10 AM
First blog post of 2011.
I love a new year, in its first days. It's all shiny, and new, full of unknown.
What will happen? Will I lose my car keys, and house keys for both North and South? Wait, I already did that today at the mall...
Not much to report. Much shopping, all has been shipped North. When it arrives, I'll post pictures of my new favorite decoration items.
I swapped in the giant Eiffel Tower for a more transportable reasonable one.
Not that, of course, a giant metal Eiffel Tower is ever either of those criteria, I suppose.
A few last days of freedom from work and stress.
Not that getting everything ready to head back, and fretting over term 2 marks is relaxing.
I'm fine with going back to Waskaganish for another 4 month stretch... I do, however, have a ball of stress and dread whenever I think of work, teaching, math, etc. Reading facebook statuses assures me that other teacher friends are living a similar heartattack waiting to happen...
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