Posted by S. , Monday, January 3, 2011 11:40 PM
My keys (which I lost in the bathroom of the Granby mall yesterday) turned up at security today. I won't have to break & enter my own home on Thursday afternoon.
It seems weird to think I'll be skiing Wednesday night, and at pottery in Wask on Thursday night. I've gotten used to it being a day, day and a half trek to get from Here to There (or vice versa), that makes flying direct feel a little surreal.
I probably won't be home until Easter/Goose Break, ergo 3.5 months. Trying to stock up on fun, skiing, and essential items. I've discovered you can pretty much order anything online through Amazon... if only I could get a credit card, alas.
Not taking my skis... but hoping to get in a few days of skiing during the ski trip if all works out... debating having my skis shipped by Canada Post later this winter. We all know by now that, regardless if I'm up North or in Shefford, Canada Post has a personal vendetta against me, and are hellbent on losing/near destroying 3/4ths of my mail. I find it more comical and funny than anything at this point...
Bed time.
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