Isolation. Disjointed thoughts.

Posted by S. , Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:15 PM

I am, by nature, a gregarious, social creature. While I do not need to be constantly with people and constantly entertained, I do require 2 things: social interactions and things to do. Sometimes (read: frequently) up here in Wask, I'm missing both of these elements. I don't require constantly being around other people; I can amuse myself just fine. However... I do believe the effects of isolation are starting to get to me, sometimes (see:  research on said effects.) I've resorted to spending the evening tonight talking to complete random strangers online. Which is completely out of character, but has helped reduce some of the inevitable blahs related to a bad teaching day.

I'm finding it harder, now, in the After-Xmas part of the school year than the first half. Work keeps me busy and helps the time fly by, but... since I got back I'm finding this harder to endure than in the fall. It might be the frigid temperatures of the last week that basically kept all people inside. It might be not having a roommate to interact with at home this time around. It might be the lack of another something from last fall, and the way things were that I miss. (No, I won't go into details. I'm learning).

While my Farmville farm has flourished after months of abandonment last summer, and my planning and correcting is usually done immediately for once... I don't know. This whole way of living is not, on a long-term basis for me. Lesson learned. I won't, however, change my mind or even consider doing so, now that it is definately made up. I'm a Taurus, my friend, we're notoriously hard-headed, and once a decision enters my Taurean brain, (work, place, relationship, etc, etc) it doesn't depart.

I'm attempting to find new ways to stay amused. And to develop patience in waiting for answers to come to me (oh, believe me, it's taking everything I have right now to wait and see.I do wish I'd learned the lessons of: decision-making sooner and this all could have been avoided. Sometimes, we have to live with our mistakes and can't hide from them at the ski hill, with friends, or at a cafe. C'est ca la vie). And honing my Jeopardy skills. But, I'll admit it: I'm lonely on a few different levels, a lot of the time. 5 months to go!

Completely irrelevant link recommendation: The Crow and the Butterfly. I cannot listen to this song without it eliciting images of the Maine coast.

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