4 became 3

Posted by S. , Saturday, September 18, 2010 9:45 PM

Ever since I found out (late July) I would be leaving for 16 weeks, my mantra was "4 months". That became what I frequently repeated to myself and others; it also became my form of reference for time ("4 months ago was.... on a constant basis to reassure myself that 4 months does, indeed, pass quickly"). Today, being the 18th, I realized it's time to change that mantra to "3 months". In 3 months I will be getting home and getting my skis out.

Today was a bit of a surreal day... and much needed after yesterday's mini-breakdown (working 2 full time jobs, jumping into a teaching position mid-week with zero prep or warning, the kids behaviour, and the fact that I am completely mis-matched as an ELEMENTARY teacher). I came to the conclusion (which I started developping during a few weeks of camp this summer) that I am a high school teacher. Grade 2 kids, not so much. I'm not into arts and crafts, glitter glue, stickers, singing and dancing... I feel that I'm faking it, and I really don't enjoy it. Teenagers and high schools are more my place. I agreed to replace the grade 2 teacher until someone is found, but juggling both jobs, at least this first week out, is pretty near impossible. Which results in not being able to do either of them effectively. Spoke with admin. This week is a 3.5 day week due to an event and a ped day, (and possibly a day off Monday if water to the school is cut...)...I will tough this one out for the pay, but much longer than that and I will go beserk. Add in the need to see a dentist and the severe laryngitis I have.... week from hell, work-wise (subbing, not my actual job that I came up here to do). Was ready to pack bags and head home, 24 hours ago, and had a good, long, several hours long cry. I realized that I need to just concentrate on my main job, and only sub days, not take on a full teaching position.

So far no advances in getting a ride home for the long weekend.....Hopefully will get a lift to Matagami to catch the bus, or to Val d'Or to rent a car..... Someone I know is driving to the Townships next weekend and I'm very tempted to take a long weekend....

One of the other houses similar (identical) to this one had a basement flood, so they decided to go to all of them and check/fix the pumps.... only the maintenance guy got into a fight with something water related while doing so, and flooded our basement... during a flood prevention maintenance...

Today's adventures will follow in a separate post. Hopefully the mail my dad sent 2 weeks ago, including my microSD adapter, arrive wednesday, so I can post the corresponding pics I took on my cell....

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