Posted by S. , Thursday, September 9, 2010 1:52 PM

In the true way of the North, I ended up inadvertently as the grade 4 teacher. One day sub turned into the week, turned into a "week by week" basis. Not sure where the teacher I am replacing went, if/and/or when she is returning.
The gym has been broken since July. The water comes on hours later after construction workers go door to door trying to see who has it, who doesnt, and what went wrong.
Classes randomly and frequently are cancelled. this is the 3rd day of school in nearly 2 weeks i have been here.
I needed schedules.... the person in charge was MIA for a while... and then a printer broke. Still waiting.
The principal has yet to arrive. No date is now scheduled.

I love the laid back, don't worry about the future way things work here, but getting accustomed to it is frustrating. I do love that I can get the principal to sign a field trip sheet a period before, and take the kids to the river.

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