More picz

Posted by S. , Tuesday, September 14, 2010 8:47 PM

The 102 km gravel access road into Waskaganish from the James Bay Road. Nearest town is about 3-4 hours away

Stop sign in front of my house. Despite being trilingual, few people actually stop.

Lake Champion in Nemaska, another reserve about a 4 hour drive inland and North from Waskaganish
The former rapids and falls on the Rupert River at KM257 of La Route Baie James

Blueberries in Nemaska!

Fields of blueberries; recent forest fire site

James Bay region; this was taken in Nemaska, as there isn;t much for hills here on the coast

Tamarack trees, mostly what we have around here. The father north you get, the farther apart and more dwarf like they get. There hasn't been a forest fire around Waskaganish in 12 years, so they are older than that.

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