Cold :)
Posted by S. , Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:04 PM
This has to be a new record: I started wearing my winter jacket today, September 15th.
Winter is near, and I'm already getting psyched for skiing and boarding. Perhaps a little prematurely, what with the nearest ski hill being a .. 6? hour drive south, somewhere near Val d'Or.
Survived day 1 of teaching Grade 2 until a replacement is found. I have been begged to quit my other job, but met with the principal (who arrived Monday) and he agrees that would be unprofessional. He also assured me there will be January contracts. I might go home for winter semester, to take a night class, and come back in May-June-July if there are any openings then.
Starting to get to know some teachers (the elementary staff are very friendly), and some locals my own age, which makes things easier. Seems weird to think that in only 3 weeks, I will be packing up for a super-long weekend down south if I find a ride, which I've got all my digits crossed on.
So, the good news: I can teach math. at least, grade 2 math. Funny, as that is the grade that I skipped math in.
I'm off to bake a cake and make some icing. And lesson plan like crazy. the goal is to lesson plan Friday night, and then completely veg out allll weekend. (ya, right).
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