There's a demon in the sink

Posted by S. , Wednesday, September 8, 2010 5:57 PM

6 hours later, the water is back on. School was cancelled (3rd time in a week) today, this time because the water in this part of town was turned off for construction (yes, even like down South, the orange signs, and construction are inevitable).

We have a new roommate arriving Saturday. That is all that is known. A suivre....

The good part about the water off-age is that I discovered where to get takeout coffee just down the street at Diamond's. Huzzah. They will get to know me, fast.

So, my last post was emotional. I could continue in self-defense, anger, hurt.. but I intend to just completely move past that issue and those people. Or at least the 2nd one. All I can say is, in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Point final.

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