Was that actually sunshine?
Posted by S. , Sunday, September 19, 2010 2:16 PM
It FINALLY stopped raining yesterday morning. Roy, who I work with at the elementary school, came and knocked on my door and invited me to Smokey Hill, where my roommate and a bunch of teachers were going. So, I rolled out of bed, into a truck, 22 kms out of town into the bush, and onto a boat on the Rupert. We went to Smokey Hill... so named because prior to the diversion of the Rupert last winter, the rapids caused so much mist that it looked like smoke. Smokey Hill is one of the main fish scooping places along the river, as well as part of the portage trail around the rapids that the Crees have been using since the fur trade. We hung out there for a while, picnicking and eating food. When our driver came back with the boat to collect us, we got dropped off at a camp where there was a feast going on. Somehow ended up in a teepee sitting around the fire, being offered bannock and freshly caught and smoked fish. Quite surreal. Caught the last "taxi" (boat) across the river to the cars and the roads. It's a bit of a weird feeling being so far in the middle of nowhere, in places that aren't accessible unless you boat and then hike a bit. Got to get to know some of the other teachers. This whole experience should start getting easier now that the solitary lonely part is easing.
It's Sunday, and all I can do is dread tomorrow, though. Dread dread dread, in a paralyzing way. Not for my actual job, for for the 17 periods of "subbing" this week. I am putting my foot down Friday that this is my last week doing these crazy 65 hour weeks, because it will kill me. I don't understand my masochistic desire to be super-Sam. It is partially a question of money, but in order to clear what I want to clear ASAP, I need to sub 27 days total while up here... at the end of the week I will be at 9 done, with 12 weeks remaining....
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